The British showed the work of the female Ukrainian sniper to eliminate militants - Militarnyi

The British showed the work of the female Ukrainian sniper to eliminate militants

The British showed the work of the female Ukrainian sniper to eliminate militants
The British showed the work of the female Ukrainian sniper to eliminate militants

The British tabloid published an interview with a Ukrainian sniper and showed a video with the sniper’s liquidation of militants of the Russian occupation forces.

Militarnyi informs with reference to the British newspaper The Sun.

The British newspaper wrote about the sniper Olena Bilozerska, who has been fighting in Donbass since 2014.

Olena Bilozerska, 42, was filmed on the frontline using a night vision scope during operational efficiency.

On the soundtrack, three cracks of outgoing fire from volunteer fighter Olena’s Zbroyar Z-10 sniper rifle can be heard as militants collapses with fatal wounds.

It was reported that the footage shot using her thermal imaging night sight was shot in August 2017, the militants were 200 meters from the position of the Ukrainian sniper.

As Olena Bilozerska, who has killed at least 10 combatants while fighting pro-Russian separatists, noted to British journalists, she is ready for immediate deployment if the Russian force ringing Ukraine attacks.

“When the enemy crawls towards our position to kill me, does he think if I have a husband, parents, or kids? – of course not.” Bilozerska said. Olena was a volunteer fighter when the attack was filmed but later joined the Ukrainian Marine Corps.

Bilozerska insists that enemies deserve to die if they dare attack her homeland.

Олена Білозерська. Фото з соціальних мереж

She said: “Moral anguish about the murder of a human was invented by people far from the war. An armed enemy is not a person, but a target. You take up a weapon against my country – that’s it, you’re a target. If you don’t take him out in time, he might kill you or one of your comrades.”

Russian propaganda

After the publication by the British tabloid of a video with the elimination of militants, Russian propaganda began to try to pass off the video of the sniper as fake.

On February 9, a video entitled “Full version of a fake video about the work of a sniper of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” began to be spread on social networks of the Russian occupation forces.

The video shows a fake sniper’s work on one militant, who after the shot rises to full height and goes towards “sniper”.

Propagandists of the Russian edition “Komsomolskaya Pravda” convince that the video shown by The Sun is staged.

Стаття видання "Комсомольская правда"

They show as example, a staged video with a sniper, which was published by the DNR and which has little in common with the video published by the British tabloid newspaper.

In the original video, summer, night time and Ukrainian sniper couple speak Russian.

On the staged video, winter, daylight hours and on the video speak Ukrainian.

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