Russian Engineers Upgrade UMPK Kits Boosting Bomb Range - Militarnyi

Russian Engineers Upgrade UMPK Kits Boosting Bomb Range

Russian Engineers Upgrade UMPK Kits Boosting Bomb Range
Russian Engineers Upgrade UMPK Kits Boosting Bomb Range

Russian designers have extended the range of bombs by upgrading the UMPK kits.

The photos were published by Russian propaganda Telegram channels.

The photos show that the UMPK module has received longer wings. Visually, it can be estimated that they have become 30% longer.

The design changes directly affect the aerodynamic qualities and, accordingly, the maximum range of the munition.

Reliable data on the characteristics of the updated system are unknown, but the basic kit increased the range of use to 60–70 kilometers.

Авіабомба ФАБ-500 з оригінальним УМПК (знизу) та модифікована версія модуля (зверху).

The photo also reveals that the Russians are using the new FAB-500T bomb, which has undergone significant changes from the original Soviet FAB-500 M-62.

The Russian-made bomb uses the more cost-effective TA-23 “mobilization” mixture, replacing the complex multicomponent explosive TGAF-5. This mixtures consists of TNT and 23% aluminum powder, which increases the explosion temperature.

In addition, the new munition has a more complex design with a collapsible tail section attached to the bomb with 8 screws. The innovation may be related to the technology used by the Russians to fill the bomb’s body with explosives.

The tail section of the new bomb does not contain explosives and can be replaced, making the bomb modular and allowing the tail to be swapped out as needed.

Російська авіабомба ФАБ-500Т в Україні, 2023 рік.

Western countries have long practiced a modular approach to building aircraft bombs, as evidenced by the widely used Mk.82 and Mk.84 bombs, which feature interchangeable tails.

This design allows for the straightforward upgrade of conventional unguided bombs by adding smart fuzes and alternative tail sections equipped with guided wings or a rocket booster, similar to the French AASMs.

Графічна модель Авіабомби Mk.84 з комплектом Hammer-1000 у розборі.

Russian engineers have also developed UMPK kits to modernize heavier Soviet FAB-1500 and FAB-3000 bombs.

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