Ukrainian Sea Guard will receive Defiant and Fearless speedboats from the United States - Militarnyi

Ukrainian Sea Guard will receive Defiant and Fearless speedboats from the United States

Ukrainian Sea Guard will receive Defiant and Fearless speedboats from the United States
Ukrainian Sea Guard will receive Defiant and Fearless speedboats from the United States

United States will transfer modern high-speed boats of Metal Shark to Ukrainian Sea Guard.

Reported by Militarnyi.

The transfer of Defiant and Fearless speedboats is scheduled for 2022.

This was reported on one of the slides demonstrated during the meeting of future maritime border guards with the leadership of the regional Department of the Sea Guard.

According to the slide, Sea Guard of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine will receive eleven boats of these projects.

Катери проєкту «Defiant» та «Fearless» на слайді Морохорони. Січень 2022. Фото: Морська охорона Держприкордонслужби України

Gravois Aluminum Boats LLC manufactures the Defiant and Fearless boats.


The company has 26 different Defiant boats in its product line. Which exactly model of Defiant boat Ukraine will receive did not announce.

Judging by the photos on the slide, the Sea Guard expects 38 Defiant Fire Rescue model.

Швидкісний катер моделі «Defiant 38». Фото: Metal Shark

38 Defiant Fire Rescue is a welded aluminum monohull vessel ideal for use in a wide range of coastal and nearshore environments.

Швидкісний катер моделі «Defiant 38». Фото: Metal Shark

It is quick and highly maneuverable and serves as an excellent inshore first responder, and also offers the heft and stability to venture offshore. The 38 Defiant is a globally proven platform in service with the US Coast Guard, US Navy, foreign militaries, fire departments, and numerous law enforcement agencies.


In addition, based on the photo on the slide, the Sea Guard of Ukraine expects to receive Fearless 36 high-speed boats.

Швидкісний катер моделі «Fearless 36». Фото: Metal Shark

Fearless 36 boats designed to patrol and quickly detain violators, to protect the environment and activities related to fishing management.

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