Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) is striving to approve a joint resolution that would authorize the use of U.S. Armed Forces for defending the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the event of an escalation of the war.
The relevant resolution has already been introduced. The document is published on the Congressman’s website.
The main goal is to respond to the escalation of Russia’s war against Ukraine.
This resolution would authorize the President of the United States to utilize forces in response to a scenario in which the Russian Federation uses chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons against Ukraine.
“Today, America has an opportunity to re-affirm our support to freedom-seeking people and firmly stand up to authoritarianism. After speaking with Secretary Blinken and hearing his grave concern over Putin’s use of chemical weapons, I’m confident that the United States will show to the international community that we will not bear senseless violence,” Kinzinger said.
Also, member of the U.S. House of Representatives quoted Joe Biden that “Putin must be stopped. ”
Therefore, he believes that such an instrument as assistance from the U.S. Army can help Ukraine.
Previously, the U.S. House of Representatives has approved the military lend-lease program for Ukraine. This decision will allow providing Ukraine with weapons, ammunition and military equipment, and other critical supplies more efficiently.
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