The US imposes new sanctions against Russia for the use of chemical weapons against Ukraine - Militarnyi

The US imposes new sanctions against Russia for the use of chemical weapons against Ukraine

The US imposes new sanctions against Russia for the use of chemical weapons against Ukraine
The US imposes new sanctions against Russia for the use of chemical weapons against Ukraine

The U.S. government imposed new sanctions on Russia and related entities and individuals for its full-scale war and use of chemical weapons against Ukraine.

The news was published on the US government website.

The United States has imposed sanctions on more than 280 individuals and entities related to Russian aggression against Ukraine and internal repression.

In particular, some of them were imposed for the use of chemical weapons in the war against Ukraine following the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991 regarding the Use of Chemical Weapons by Russia against Ukrainian Troops.

“The Department of State has made a determination under the CBW Act that Russia has used the chemical weapon chloropicrin against Ukrainian forces in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). We make this determination in addition to our assessment that Russia has used riot control agents as a method of warfare in Ukraine, also in violation of the CWC. The use of such chemicals is not an isolated incident, and is probably driven by Russian forces’ desire to dislodge Ukrainian forces from fortified positions and achieve tactical gains on the battlefield,” the message says.

Газові гранати К-51

As part of this decision, the United States will impose sanctions on organizations and individuals involved in procurement for military institutions or participating in Russian chemical and biological weapons programs.

Sanctions were imposed on the following entities:

  • SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF APPLIED ACOUSTICS (FGUP NIIPA). It is a Russian state research institute that conducts research and development of military products and develops methods for exporting dual-use goods and technologies. NIIPA was engaged in the purchase and inventory of chemicals that could be used in the production of chemical weapons agents.
  • FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY INSTITUTION “48TH CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION” (48TH TSNII). This is the leading Russian Ministry of Defense scientific research institute responsible for Russian military protection against infectious diseases and biological threats. 48th TSNII and its facilities are associated with the Russian biological weapons program.
  • SYSTEMS OF BIOLOGICAL SYNTHESIS LLC (SBS LLC) – a Russian company that supplies laboratory and industrial equipment and chemical reagents. SBS LLC has worked on equipment supply to 48th TSNII.
  • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY LAB SERVICE (LAB SERVICE) is a Russian company that supplies, maintains, and repairs refurbished chromatography equipment. LAB SERVICE is closely associated with SBS LLC.
  • OBSHCHESTVO S OGRANICHENNOI OTVETSTVENNOSTIU TEKHNOLOGICHESKIE SISTEMY I SERVIS (OOO TSS) is a Russian company that supplies laboratory and technological equipment to scientific, educational, and manufacturing entities. OOO TSS has worked as a contractor for the 48th TSNII.

As a result of sanctions, all property of sanctioned persons under the control of the United States will be blocked. All individuals and legal entities that directly or indirectly own more than 50% of one or more of the above-named organizations are also blocked.

In addition, all transactions of sanctioned persons or transactions in their favor will be blocked within the United States and its jurisdiction.

In addition, the US government also imposed sanctions on several Russian organizations and individuals from the field of energy, mining, heavy industry, and machine tools. In particular, restrictions were imposed on Rosatom subsidiaries.

Sanctions were also imposed on Chinese entities that support Russia’s defense industry base. These companies supply raw materials and equipment to subsidiary Russian organizations or export their products abroad.

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