The Russian Federation started implementing provocations with chemical weapons - Militarnyi

The Russian Federation started implementing provocations with chemical weapons

The Russian Federation started implementing provocations with chemical weapons
The Russian Federation started implementing provocations with chemical weapons

The special services of Russia in the Zaporizhzhia region are trying to carry out a provocation with the use of chemical weapons against their own invasion forces.

The Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported on this based on intercepted messages.

Intelligence considers the goal of this “false flag operation” to create the impression that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are allegedly using chemical weapons against the Russian military.

The Kremlin’s special services plan to use the traces of chemical weapons damage on the bodies of Russians to accuse Ukraine and try to disrupt the offensive.

The Defence Intelligence reiterates that during hostilities against the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine only use means allowed by international agreements.

Фото на тему: ГУР МО / Головне управління розвідки Міністерства оборони України

Previously, in 2022, the United States was concerned that Russia might use chemical weapons in Ukraine.

As previously reported, Moscow could use weapons if Russian forces would continue suffering losses on the front.

Washington believes that Putin can opt to use chemical weapons before resorting to a nuclear confrontation with NATO.

Russia could apply substances, the use of which is difficult to detect during further analysis, which could make it difficult for Western countries to tie Moscow to this chemical attack.

Also, as early as 2021, the Russian invasion forces were preparing disinformation attacks and production materials on Ukraine and the United States using chemical weapons against the residents of Donbas.

Ілюстрація до новини. Фото: Військові Росії, одягнені в спеціальний захисний одяг, перевіряють каністри з хімічною зброєю на предмет витоку на складі в селі Горний, за 200 км на схід від міста Саратова.

Volunteers of the InformNapalm international community received and published the document of information operations of the so-called “Ministry of Information of the DPR.”

The chemical weapons in the insinuations were supposed to be dropped in the area of the demarcation line.

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