The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the reasonable suspicion for a Russian pilot Krasnoyartsev - Militarnyi

The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the reasonable suspicion for a Russian pilot Krasnoyartsev

The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the reasonable suspicion for a Russian pilot Krasnoyartsev
The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the reasonable suspicion for a Russian pilot Krasnoyartsev

The Prosecutorʼs Office has announced the reasonable suspicion for a Russian SU-34 pilot Alexandr Krasnoyartsev, who was detained in Chernihiv.

Militarnyi informs about this with reference to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

It is stated that Aleksandr Krasnoyartsev was bombing the territory of Ukraine, including civilian objects, with air bombs.

“It was reported to Krasnoyartsev Alexander Vasilyevich, who was born on June 21, 1986, in Orenburg, RSFSR, living at the address: Russia, Chelyabinsk, 40th anniversary of the Victory st., building З1V, flat 16V, a citizen of the Russian Federation, on suspicion of committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, ie violation of the laws and customs of war, provided by international treaties, consent to the obligation of which was granted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, combined with intentional murder,” said the Prosecutor’s Office.

Повідомлення про підозру Красноярцеву О.В.

On March 5, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter jet over Chernihiv piloted by Krasnoyartsev.

Збитий над Черніговом російський Су-34 з номером №24. 05.03.2022

As a result of the aircraft crash, 3 FAB-500 aircraft bombs were found in the private sector.

Авіабомба з російського літака

Another Russian Su-34 pilot, Konstantin Krivolapov, was killed.

Krasnoyartsev is accused of violating the laws and customs of war combined with premeditated murder. He faces lifelong imprisonment.

Ліквідований льотчик ПКС РФ російського Су-34 Криволапов Костянтин. Чернігів. Березень 2022. Фото: ЗСУ

After landing in the yard of a residential building in Chernihiv, Krasnoyartsev was trying to avoid detection and detention by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as further capture.

There, the Russian pilot was seen by a local resident Vitaliy Serhiyenko. Krasnoyartsev deliberately shot him from the Makarov pistol.

The Ukrainian died on the scene from his injuries.

Later, Krasnoyartsev was taken prisoner by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which stopped his criminal activities.

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