The invaders are building fortifications on the captured territories - Militarnyi
The invaders are building fortifications on the captured territories
The invaders are building fortifications on the captured territories

New satellite images indicate that the Russian military has intensified the construction of fortifications in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

Researcher Brady Afrik published the data on Twitter.

According to the published photos, construction is ongoing on the entire temporarily occupied territory.

Russian forces have dug new trenches outside occupied cities in the Luhansk region. The satellite images show defenses outside Lysychansk that were built in the past few months.

Фортифікаційні споруди в районі Лисичанська, Луганщина січень-березень 2023 Джерело: Twitter Brady Africk

In the Donetsk region, Russian troops have strengthened fortifications along the roads leading to Mariupol.

Фортифікаційні споруди в районі Маріуполя, березень 2023 Джерело: Twitter Brady Africk

In the south of Ukraine, Russian forces continue expanding existing defenses and adding new layers of fortifications.

For example, they expand the fortifications outside the town of Chystopillya in the Zaporizhzhia region.

Чистопілля, Запорізька область, грудень-березень 2023 Джерело: Twitter Brady Africk

New barriers and trenches have appeared over the last few months along the roads leading to Crimea.

Розбудова фортифікацій в Криму, лютий 2023 Джерело: Twitter Brady Africk

Previously, trucks transporting concrete pillboxes were spotted in Sevastopol.

These fortifications could be both used in Crimea and sent to other parts of the occupied territories to strengthen fortifications.

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