The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic approved the military training for the Ukrainian military on the territory of the country.
The Czech News Agency reported about this.
Parliamentarians also agreed to deploy Czech military personnel to train Ukrainians in other EU member states. The respective decision has yet to be considered by the Senate of the Czech Republic.
It is reported that training of the Ukrainian military will take place in the area of the city of Libavá. The program will apply to mechanized units and certain military professions.
According to the government documents, five four-week tours are to be held by the end of next year. Up to 800 Ukrainian military personnel can take part in each of them.
Jana Černochová, Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic, noted that the Czech military will also gain new experience during these exercises. For example, it will include information about the course of action of both parties of war, and, in particular, about how the Russians fight, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
To implement the training plans, the Czech Republic will deploy 55 of its military servicemen, who will be able to work in any country where the program will be taking place.
As previously reported, the first battalion of the Ukrainian military has already started training as part of the EU’s EUMAM Ukraine mission in Poland.
The EUMAM Ukraine is a European Training Mission for the Defense Forces of Ukraine that aims to prepare 15 thousand of Ukrainian military personnel.
The exercises will be held on the territory of various EU member states. Instead of a single training center in the countries of the European Union, separate training courses for different specialties should be organized.
The mission is led under the command of Hervé Bléjean, French Vice Admiral and the Director of Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC).
The mission will last for 24 months. It will ensure coordination with bilateral activities of member states in support of Ukraine, as well as with other international partners, and will be open to the participation of third states.
It is planned that the largest exercises will take place in Poland and Germany.
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