Russians lost several BMP-2 and Rys Iveco armored vehicles in the Ivanivka area - Militarnyi

Russians lost several BMP-2 and Rys Iveco armored vehicles in the Ivanivka area

Russians lost several BMP-2 and Rys Iveco armored vehicles in the Ivanivka area
Russians lost several BMP-2 and Rys Iveco armored vehicles in the Ivanivka area

At the beginning of July, the Ukrainian servicemen knocked out the Russian military from the area of Ivanivka settlement in the Kherson region.

Later, Russian invasion forces made an attempt to regain the lost position near Ivanivka, and also carried out combat reconnaissance there.

Russians were limited in land maneuver capability, tried to apply additional pressure from the air, trying to regain their lost position in the area of the liberated Ivanivka.

Russian military attempts failed and military equipment was lost.

Іванівка Херсонської області на неофіційній мапі станом на 9 липня 2022 року

Recently, the Ivanivka district was retaken by representatives of the “Brotherhood” unit, who demonstrated Russian invasion forces’ losses.

They completely lost at least two BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles in the battles.

Thus, one infantry fighting vehicle was captured relatively undamaged, with tracked armor as improvised protection.

Also, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed the Rys Iveco multirole armored vehicle.

One Rys Iveco vehicle, which had a parade ribbon, was captured relatively unscathed.

Втрати військових Росії у районі населеного пункту Іванівка на Херсонщині. Липень 2022. Україна. Кадр з відео "Батальйон Братство Дмитра Корчинського"

Rys Iveco light multirole vehicle is an Italian modification of IVECO 65E19WM for the Russian army.

This modification was created under the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Russia-produced details should be used in this vehicle’s design.

Російський бронеавтомобіль "Рысь" на параді в Росії. Фото: ЗМІ РФ

Presumably, such vehicles are used by Russian intelligence groups in Ukraine.

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