Russians apply tactical signs on equipment on the border with Ukraine

Russians apply tactical signs on equipment on the border with Ukraine

Border Crimea Neighbors Russia Russian Armed Forces Ukraine World

The Russian troops apply tactical signs on equipment on the border with Ukraine, as well as on equipment located in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

The Militarnyi informs about it.

A number of different types of tactical signs on equipment have been noticed, depending on the location of detection of Russian equipment.

First, latin Z was noticed on various types of armored vehicles and automotive equipment. Russian occupiers also began to depict this tactical sign in a square.

Вантажівка з КУНГом, бронетранспортер, МСТА-С та САУ 2С3 «Акація» військових Росії з латинськими буквами Z у квадраті. Лютий 2022. Фото: соціальні мережі

The military equipment of various types with this tactical sign was noticed in the Kursk and Voronezh regions of Russia, just across the border from Ukraine. The closest geolocation to Ukraine where the equipment was identified was the village of Belyanka in Belgorod region, 8 km from Kharkiv region.

Another tactical sign on the Russian equipment in the Belgorod region is a white triangle with four horizontal lines.

Танки Т-72Б3 та Протитанковий ракетний комплекс «Штурм» на шасі МТЛБ військових Росії з білим трикутником з чотирма горизонтальними лініями. Лютий 2022. Фото: соціальні мережі

On the tanks from the column on the turret, there is one additional tactical sign – a white square in a white square. It is located on the tank turret, and there are vehicles without a white triangle with four horizontal lines.

A tactical sign was also seen in the form of Latin Z in a triangle, some similar signs having four horizontal lines.

Автотехніка військових Росії латинськими буквами Z у трикутнику. Лютий 2022. Фото: соціальні мережі

In addition, some armored vehicles in the Belgorod region were spotted with tactical signs in the form of a white circle.

Бронетехніка військових Росії з білим колом. Лютий 2022. Фото: соціальні мережі

Travelers and locals on social networks share relevant photo and video materials with tactical military signs.

Vehicles of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with an oblique white stripe in the occupied Crimea

Автотехніка ЗС РФ з косою білою смугою в окупованому Криму. 20-21 лютого 2022 року. Кадр з відеореєстратора

As reported earlier, on February 22 the president of Russia Vladimir Putin after recognition of so-called “L/DNR” appealed to the Federation Council for permission to use the armed forces of the Russian Federation abroad. Earlier it was reported that the Russian army after the ratification of the agreement with the so-called “Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics’ will take under their protection “borders”.

Border Crimea Neighbors Russia Russian Armed Forces Ukraine World