The invasion forces of Russia began to use on the territory of Ukraine the Desertcross all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) of the Chinese manufacturer.
Analysts from The Dead District showed a video using these ATVs in Zaporizhzhia.
The Russians use Desertcross-1000-3 made by the Chinese company Shandong Odes Industry.
The Russian Ministry of Defense said that more than 530 such vehicles have already been transferred to the troops.
Now a contract is being prepared for the purchase of about 1,600 more units. In particular, 500 in December, and the rest in the first quarter of 2024.
The cost of the basic configuration for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation amounted to RUB 1.58 million, with modifications – RUB 2.1 million.
Desertcross 1000-3 all-terrain vehicles are equipped with a gasoline engine with a capacity of 72 horsepower, and a fuel tank capacity of 50 liters.
The total weight of the all-terrain vehicle is 916 kilograms; it can carry cargo weighing up to 300 kilograms, which is quite enough for transporting towed mortars with little ammunition.
Desertcross 1000-3 allows off-road to solve logistical issues, evacuate the wounded, carry out raid measures, and conduct sabotage and reconnaissance missions.
Russians used to order specialized Chinese vehicles before Desertcrosses. In particular, Chinese Tiger armored vehicles arrived in Russia in June 2023.
Then Chinese-made military equipment first appeared in service with Russian units.
Nevertheless, Chinese representatives denied supplying Russia with armored vehicles for the war in Ukraine.
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