In recent days, the Russian government has adopted a number of amendments and new draft laws aimed at restricting the rights and freedoms of draft dodgers.
Militarnyi reported about this.
In emergency mode, the State Duma supported changes to the legislation on the delivery of summons from military commissariats.
The new initiative involves the introduction of electronic summons, which will be distributed through a mobile application. At the same time, the summons will be considered received even if the account owner has not viewed it.
If the man does not appear at the military office within 20 days of receiving the summons, he will be sent a warning. It will mean the restriction of a number of rights: a ban on registering individual enterprises, registering with the tax service, driving a car, obtaining loans, etc.
Mobilized (or mobics for short) are banned from leaving the country from the moment they receive the summons. All their personal information, which is already held by the state institutions of the country, will be included in the newly created database of mobilized military, which will be maintained by the Ministry of Defense.
The Government of the Russian Federation claims that the new rules will come into effect with the start of the autumn draft in 2023, but this is not specified in the draft law, so they can formally be applied from the day the law comes into effect.
The draft law was agreed upon in the second and third readings and unanimously adopted by Russian officials in just one day in an extremely fast mode. Before the adoption of the law, the MPs stated that it would be impossible to study it in a few hours.
Deputy Nina Ostanina stated that the adoption of the entire law at such a speed is disrespectful to the deputies, and that she will not be able to answer the voters for the content of each amendment.
“For a whole law to be adopted after a TV interview and in two hours in the hall for familiarization – this has never happened in my memory,” said the deputy.
During the discussion, the speaker of the State Duma suggested that all deputies dissatisfied with the negligent adoption of the law go to the front.
Next, the draft law should be sent to the Federation Council for consideration and to the President of the Russian Federation for signature, however, the extremely quick adoption of amendments to the law already indicates that it has been approved in advance by the current totalitarian government.
The new law effectively creates total control over the draftable population and makes it impossible for men to flee abroad during mobilization. Last time, after the start of the first wave of mobilization, about 700,000 Russians left the Russian Federation.
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