Russia claims to have produced the first batch of Poseidon torpedoes - Militarnyi

Russia claims to have produced the first batch of Poseidon torpedoes

Russia claims to have produced the first batch of Poseidon torpedoes
Russia claims to have produced the first batch of Poseidon torpedoes

Russian media have reported on the manufacture of the first batch of Poseidon nuclear torpedoes.

Information about this was published by TASS, citing its own sources.

It is noted that first such torpedoes will arm the Belgorod submarine.

Besides, according to the source of the publication, separate trials of the main parts of the Poseidon system, including a nuclear power plant, have been successfully completed.

Комплекс "Посейдон". Кадр з відео Міноборони РФ

Reports on the likely tests of the system appeared in early November 2022.

At that time, the United States said that among the ships involved in the preparation of the nuclear test was the Belgorod submarine, capable of launching unmanned underwater vehicles, in particular the Poseidon system.

The US spotted the exit of Russian ships from the proving ground in the Arctic Ocean and their return to port without conducting the tests.The US intelligence concluded that this could indicate the technical difficulties of the Russians.

Атомний підводний човен спеціального призначення К-329 «Белгород» проєкту 09852 ВМФ РФ. 2021 рік. Фото: ЗМІ РФ

They also noted that the tests could take place again, while Russia had a limited time to conduct them.


The Poseidon is an unmanned underwater vehicle capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear munitions. The nuclear power plant gives the device an almost limitless range. It is essentially a nuclear torpedo.

American officials have previously indicated that Poseidon’s main goal is to cause a large-scale nuclear tsunami designed to flood and irradiate coastal cities.

There is no detailed information on the parameters of this weapon.

Імовірний вигляд ядерної торпеди "Посейдон"

Tests of the system are carried out on the К-329 Belgorod nuclear submarine, after which this boat of the special project 09852 will become part of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy.

One of the main purposes of Belgorod is to be the carrier of Poseidon nuclear systems.

The intended purpose of this nuclear torpedo is to deliver nuclear ammunition to the shores of a potential enemy to defeat infrastructure and ensure unacceptable damage: radioactive contamination, tsunami and other devastating consequences.

Poseidon can develop speeds of more than 200 km/h and has a dive depth of at least 1 km.

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