Moldova will hold multinational JCET-2022 exercises together with the Romanian and British military.
The Ministry of Defense of Moldova reported about this.
International Joint Combined Exchange Training (JCET-2022) will be held in training centers of the Moldovan army.
The military of the three countries will hone their skills during October 10-21. The Ministry of Defense emphasized that maneuvers for these dates were planned for 2021 according to the exercise schedule.
Military personnel from Moldova, Romania, Great Britain and Northern Ireland will take part in the training.
Multinational JCET exercises are aimed at developing mission capabilities and increasing the level of interoperability between units from different countries.
The maneuvers will take place in accordance with the training plan of the Armed Forces of Moldova for 2022.
The Ministry of Defense emphasized that during the exercises, people can see military equipment moving from one training center to another on state roads.
In order to prevent further manipulations in the media and fake news, the Ministry of Defense urged not to panic and refrain from sharing images and videos of the equipment movement.
The Moldovan military has been participating in JCET exercises since 2009.
As previously reported, in September military exercises took place on the territory of Moldova. Servicemen of Moldova, Romania and the USA took part in them.
During the joint tactical exercise “Fire Shield 2022”, the military improved the skills of units and increased interoperability with the troops of partner armies in peacekeeping missions.
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