Poland has completed constructing a protective barrier on the border with Belarus, which should protect the country from illegal entry.
Stanisław Żaryn, Head of the National Security Department in the Chancellery of Poland’s Prime Minister, announced this.
He shared this news on Twitter.
“Poland has completed constructing a protective barrier on the border with Belarus. Illegal entry to Poland is now impossible. Today, the Polish border is the best defended in Europe,” he wrote.
Polska skończyła budowę bariery ochronnej na granicy z Białorusią. Nielegalne przedostanie się do Polski jest obecnie niemożliwe. Polska granica jest dziś najlepiej chroniona w Europie. pic.twitter.com/LxC9fwXIuc
— Stanisław Żaryn (@StZaryn) October 1, 2022
The finished construction of the first phase of the wall in Poland was previously reported in June. This included the construction of 140 km of barriers.
The barrier’s construction was launched in February 2022. A five-meter-high wall should be approximately 200 kilometers long.
The total cost of the project, including technical equipment, was estimated at PLN 1.6 billion (about $400 million).
The wall is equipped with electronic devices that detect trespassers and send out signals about attempts to cross the border.
The initial cause of building the wall was the migration crisis when in August 2021, more than 40,000 refugees from the Middle Eastern and African countries were trying to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border.
Now, the threat has increased due to Russia’s war against Ukraine. Estonia is also building a border wall at the border with Russia.
Latvia, Finland, and Norway are now strengthening the protection of their borders in order to avoid the illegal crossing of Russian citizens into their territory due to the mobilization announced in the Russian Federation.
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