Mariusz Błaszczak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Poland, said that the country will strengthen its border with the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation.
The Polish border is being fortified following the start of “open sky” activities at Kaliningrad airport. Such activities can lead to a wave of migrants from Africa and the Middle East.
Work on the border with the Kaliningrad region has already begun. Engineering and sapper troops are working on the spot. Barriers are erected according to the same principle as on the border with Belarus last year.
“I decided to take measures to strengthen security on the border of Poland with the Kaliningrad region by sealing this border. We use the experience gained last year. There is no doubt that the temporary fence protected the Polish-Belarusian border. This made a hybrid attack from Belarusian territory impossible or significantly slowed down,” Mariusz Błaszczak said.
The fence will consist of three rows of barbed wire. The height of the “fence” will be 2.5 m, width – 3 m. Electronic devices will also be installed to improve surveillance.
Błaszczak noted that specific deadlines for the work’s completion have not been established.
“The Polish military has relevant experience. They guarded the Polish-Belarusian border. I am convinced that they will also protect the border with the Kaliningrad region,” he added.
The border between Poland and the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation is about 200 km.
As previously reported, in summer 2022, Poland declared plans to build observation towers along its border with the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation.
In addition, Poland built a barrier along the border with Belarus. It is five meters high, and its total length is more than 185 km. In October, it was announced that the construction of this barrier had been completed.
The decision to build a protective barrier was made after Belarus staged a migration crisis on the border with Poland and Lithuania.
From August to January 2021, more than 40,000 refugees from the Middle East and Africa countries tried to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border.
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