Modern protocols for military surgeons from Deployed Medicine were translated into Ukrainian - Militarnyi

Modern protocols for military surgeons from Deployed Medicine were translated into Ukrainian

Modern protocols for military surgeons from Deployed Medicine were translated into Ukrainian
Modern protocols for military surgeons from Deployed Medicine were translated into Ukrainian

The first Ukrainian-language guides from Deployed Medicine were publicly released. They are some of the best documents for military surgeons.

The international organization of doctors Global Medical Knowledge Alliance announced this.

These recommendations for combat medics were developed by the Defense Health Agency (USA).

The Surgical Combat Casualty Care section contains the latest clinical guidelines for the surgical care and surgical treatment of combat-related injuries.

Військові медики 30 окремої механізованої бригади ім. князя Костянтина Острозького надають допомогу пораненому, листопад 2022 Фото: Військово-медичний клінічний центр Східного регіону

“Opening access to this educational material for Ukrainian doctors will allow them to fight even more effectively for every life that is on the brink due to Russia’s military aggression,” says Dr. Nelya Melnychuk from Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA), Founder of GMKA.

Several clinical guidelines are already published on the Global Medical Knowledge Alliance website.

These include protocols for blast injury to the ear treatment, amputation, and damage control resuscitation.

Робота медиків 93 ОМБр Холодний Яр, листопад 2022 Фото: Військово-медичний клінічний центр Східного регіону

In general, as part of this project, the GMKA team plans to translate about 60 separate manuals into Ukrainian. These include recommendations for fluid resuscitation, treatment of limb injuries and head injuries, use of Damage Control tactics, and information on other important topics for military surgery.

“A wounded person brought to the doctor alive must live! This is our Ukrainian medical imperative in the war against a much larger enemy… Modern protocols with proven effectiveness, developed and tested by the global community of trauma and military surgeons, are the best clinical recommendations for the treatment of the best defenders of the best country in the world. Only Deployed Medicine and nothing otherwise!” GMKA adviser on surgery, Dr. Oleksandr Linchevskyi, emphasized.

New educational material topics are planned to be released on the organization’s website every week.

As previously reported, 13 armored vehicles were purchased for Ukrainian military medics.

It is noted that Gurkha armored vehicles from the Canadian manufacturer Terradyne Armored Vehicles are designed for medical evacuation and have high patency.

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