Living conditions of US Marines criticized on social media - Militarnyi

Living conditions of US Marines criticized on social media

Living conditions of US Marines criticized on social media
Living conditions of US Marines criticized on social media

In California, the barracks of the School of Infantry-West at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton were brought to unsanitary conditions.

Photos shown by the US publication Marine Corps Times show dead parasites, mold and a general mess in the School of Infantry-West barracks building.

Camp Pendleton Base is divided into several parts. The base received its name in honor of Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton, who initiated the creation of a training base for the Marine Corps on the west coast of the United States.

According to the Marine, now half of the 16 washing machines in the Camp Pendleton West laundry are broken.

Another image shows a dead rodent on the floor. Other photos show large holes in walls.

Photos also show a swastika scratched on one of wall lockers, according to the Marine, the swastika has already been sketched.

The edition addressed the Marine Corps Training Command with a request for photos, as well as a shower curtain and parts of the wall that are covered with black spots.

Maj. Joshua Pena, a spokesman for that command, stated that while the school could not confirm the accuracy of each photograph due to the “limited visual context of some of the photos,” the school did find problems in barracks.

Pena added that “there is no excuse for the conditions depicted, and we take full responsibility for our barracks.”

“The health and safety of our Marines is of the highest priority,” the Major added.

The inspection then revealed the need for some corrections, including additional cleaning of sanitary and hygienic premises and additional maintenance.

Living conditions at the infantry school prompted American Lieutenant General Kevin Ayams to inspect the barracks himself.

The school has a standard cleaning routine at the end of weekend, Pena said, “that includes the cleaning of showers, laundry facilities, common areas, squad bays and the application of mold/mildew mitigation, including shower curtain replacement.”

For keeping parasites under control, the school is continuously staffed by pest control contractors.

Казарма морської піхоти США у школі «Кемп-Пендлтон-Захід». Фото:

In the U.S., Marines are not allowed to have food in their living quarters and must also report pests they see.

American Marines can also apply for repairs through an electronic system.

The US Marine Corps is showing “zero tolerance” for vandalism of government property.

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