In the UK, an unknown cyberattack leaked information about members of the British Army.
The Guardian reported on this.
According to government officials, more than 270,000 payroll records belonging to nearly all members of Britain’s armed forces, including names, bank details, and residential addresses of military personnel and veterans, fell into the hands of the criminals.
It is believed that Chinese hackers, who have repeatedly hacked into British defense websites and polling stations, are behind this cyberattack.
The publication notes that the data at risk includes data for full-time military personnel, part-time reservists, and veterans who left after January 2018.
At the same time, the SAS and other special forces are understood to be paid separately, and so are not affected.
Hackers are believed to have been present in the system for some time, possibly weeks, but there is no immediate evidence that any data was stolen.
In August 2021, the Electoral Commission was hacked by Chinese hackers, and they extracted contact information of the military.
After that, the military began receiving messages about their accounts and threats that information about them was being sent to Beijing.
Militarnyi previously reported that Russian military hackers have been targeting the mobile devices of Ukrainian soldiers in a bid to steal sensitive battlefield information.
Also, according to the VOA, Russia is using fraudulent websites to collect the personal data of thousands of Ukrainian servicemen and their relatives.
The Russian hackers’ malicious code was designed to steal data sent from the mobile devices of the soldiers to the Starlink satellite system. It’s unclear just how successful the hacking effort was.
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