In the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, people are taken from the streets to mobilize in the ranks of illegal armed groups of the so-called L/DNR.
The Militarnyi informs about it.
The press group of the Operational and Tactical Group of OC East concerning social networks said that today there is information about the forcible mobilization of the population throughout the Russian-occupied Donbas.
The report says that the Russian occupiers are taking away everyone who comes into their field of vision, people with diseases, criminals, the elderly, and even minors.
There are also known facts that all those who do not want to join the ranks of illegal armed groups face real prison terms.
People are stopped on the streets by specially created patrols. At all checkpoints outside the ORDLO, all men are picked up and sent to military collection points in military vehicles specially prepared for this purpose,” the statement of OC East reads.
The statement noted that there were even cases when people were lured under the guise of evacuation.
According to the Operational and Tactical Group of OC East, residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions express their indignation on social networks and call on them not to submit to the occupying power.
The report reminds us that the Rome Statute of International Criminal Law clearly defines such actions. In particular, Article 8 (2) (b) (xv) states that forcing the opposing party to take part in hostilities against their own country, even if they were in the service of the belligerent before the war, is a war crime.
We remind yesterday occupation authorities announced a general mobilization on the territory of Ukraine controlled by Russia.
The relevant “document” distributed media controlled by militants.
It is an “order” to come to the “military commissariats” to all men from the occupied parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
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