Greece unveils Leopard 2A4 tank upgrade package - Militarnyi
Greece unveils Leopard 2A4 tank upgrade package
Greece unveils Leopard 2A4 tank upgrade package

Defense company EODH unveiled its Leopard 2A4 modernization package for Greek tanks at the DEFEA 2023 exhibition that is held in Greece.

This is reported by Militarnyi.

The modernization package, in particular, included a modular hybrid reservation system, improved optical devices, an upgraded fire control system, and a combat control system.

The ASPIS Modular NG-MBT (Advanced Integrated Platform Protection System) kit included in the upgrade package was developed as an integrated hybrid solution. It combines elements of passive and dynamic protection, as well as a complex of active protection.

The system is designed to counter modern anti-tank guided missiles with twin in-line warheads and a new generation of APFSDS long penetrating rod Kinetic Energy projectiles.


The new modular armor from the Greek company EODH is equipped with individual metal containers that can be easily installed or replaced in the field. Elements of reactive protection, according to the designers, belong to the second generation and are able to counteract, in addition to HEAT, also kinetics, which distinguishes them from samples of the first generation DS, such as the Soviet Kontakt-1.

In the case of penetrating reactive armor, the enemy munition will meet the package of multi-layer composite armor also developed by EODH. Its tests were initially carried out in Sweden and were recently completed at the famous Dutch ballistic laboratory TNO.

ERA and passive armor modules are installed in the front part of the turret and tank hull, as well as partially overlapping the on-board projection of the tank. In addition, the tank is equipped with anti-cumulative grilles in the area of the reserve niche, where the first-stage ammunition is stored.

The ASPIS Modular NG-MBT uses autonomous millimeter-wavelength sensors distributed across the roof of the turret to detect aerial threats. In the event of a UAV or a loitering munition approaching the roof, the radar activates explosive elements that should destroy the munition on approach.

This technology is becoming increasingly relevant in light of the growing threat of cheap and massive FPV-kamikaze drones, third-generation ATGMs, and aircraft-guided munitions that can be used from large unmanned aircraft.

The basic version of the Leopard 2A4 tank has rather mediocre armor protection qualities: homogeneous armor equivalent against kinetic projectiles equals 600mm, and about 650mm — against HEAT in the front projection. These indicators are not enough to protect against modern anti-tank ammunition and even hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers.

However, the size of the mounted passive protection and the appearance of the second generation ERA suggest that the level of protection in the front projection can be brought to 1000-1200mm equivalent homogeneous armor against kinetic and HEAT projectiles.

The designers did not disclose the weight of the kit, which can be a critical indicator given the weight restrictions on the undercarriage of the Leopard 2A4 tank.

In addition to armor protection, the new tank modernization package also includes advanced new-generation day and night sights, modern periscopes for night driving, new electronics, the installation of a new control system, the modernization of the fire control system, and a number of other minor changes in the design.

Modernization of the Greece tank park

The modernization of Greek tanks is up-to-date due to the permanent threat of war with Turkey. As of now, Greece owns the largest European tank park of Leopard 2: 183 Leopard 2A4 and 170 Leopard 2HEL.

The armor protection developed by Greek engineers EODH is currently being promoted to tender for the Leopard 2 tank modernization program of the Greek Army. The program primarily involves the modernization of Leopard 2 A4 tanks, and, only then – Leopard 2 HEL.

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