Counter-battery radar COBRA and 5 GEPARD SPAAG delivered to Ukraine - Militarnyi

Counter-battery radar COBRA and 5 GEPARD SPAAG delivered to Ukraine

Counter-battery radar COBRA and 5 GEPARD SPAAG delivered to Ukraine
Counter-battery radar COBRA and 5 GEPARD SPAAG delivered to Ukraine

The COBRA radar system that allows enemy artillery detection was delivered to Ukraine by Germany.

The German Ministry of Defense also announced the transfer of five additional GEPARD anti-aircraft self-propelled guns.

Thus, the total number of GEPARDs in Ukraine increased to 20 units.

It was reported in May that Ukraine requested the delivery of 40 COBRA radar systems.

Only three to five systems, though, can be delivered from Bundeswehr reserves.

The cost of each is approximately 50 million euros.

The Counter Battery Radar was jointly developed by Thales, Airbus Defense and Space and Lockheed Martin for the armed forces of Germany, France, and Great Britain.

Radar entered three countries’ armed forces services in 2005.

This radar is considered the world’s most advanced ground-based weapon detection system. It includes high-performance radar, advanced processing, and an integrated flexible control, control, and communication system.

РЛС Counter Battery Radar (COBRA). Фото: primeportal

The design includes modern digital processing and an advanced active semiconductor phased antenna array consisting of several thousand receiving modules.

The purpose of this radar is to detect mortars, rocket launchers, and artillery batteries and provide information to counteract them.

РЛС Counter Battery Radar (COBRA) Бундесверу. Фото: Міноборони Німмечини

With a detection range of up to 100 km, COBRA is capable of detecting and classifying up to 40 batteries in two minutes.

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