Advertising - Militarnyi

Advertising on Militarnyi

Militarnyi is the most popular thematic media outlet in Ukraine. Our monthly audience is over 2 million unique users. A significant part of our audience is made up of citizens of partner countries (the US, UK, Germany, Poland, etc.). We are read and watched by representatives of the country’s military and political leadership, commanders and soldiers, arms manufacturers and volunteers.

Contact us

We offer the following formats:

We look forward to working with reputable businesses and organisations.

Banner advertising

We look forward to working with reputable businesses and organisations.

Advertising integrations

Your product or brand may be mentioned in our video content.

Special projects

Your press release may appear in Militarny’s news feed with a note that it was published as an advertisement.

Sponsored posts

Your press release may appear in Militarny’s news feed with a note that it was published as an advertisement.

We do not advertise:

Alcohol and tobacco products

Gambling games

Anonymous, partisan, Russian-language media

Anything related even indirectly to Russia

Low-quality military equipment, gear and weapons

Contact us

Email us, and we will find the format that best suits your task.

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