Polish General Staff will attempt to counter Russian propaganda - Militarnyi

Polish General Staff will attempt to counter Russian propaganda

Polish General Staff will attempt to counter Russian propaganda
Polish General Staff will attempt to counter Russian propaganda

The General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces has launched a campaign against Russian disinformation.

Polish radio reported that the General Staff will write posts on Russian disinformation every Monday.

“Knowing the mechanisms of manipulation, it is easier for us to understand who wants to change our consciousness and how,” the General Staff stated.

The General Staff’s Twitter account has already posted the first in a series of Monday posts on the mechanisms and aims of Russian disinformation.

The first entry refers to the “education bubble” in which Russian society is locked.

Малюнок Генштабу Польщі до кампанії проти дезінформації з боку Росії

“Russia is locking its own society in an indoctrination bubble – and acting aggressively outward without resistance,” the publication says.

The General Staff added that the activities of the Russian propaganda apparatus against its own society are focused on presenting Russia as an attacked country fighting against the “evil, aggressive West.”

The post to be published next week will focus on the fear and intimidation caused by Russian information and psychological operations.

Since the beginning of the full-scale aggression against Ukraine, Poland has been one of the most consistent and reliable partners.

And it is not surprising that Ukrainian-Polish relations have become one of the main areas of information and psychological special operations for Russia.

The Kremlin uses so-called “fake news” tactics to promote its desired narratives, i.e., the spread of specially prepared disinformation and manipulative “news” through available resources.

In preparing such “news,” the Russians use both official statements by representatives of the Polish and Ukrainian authorities in the appropriate interpretation and outright fakes.

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