The Armed Forces of Ukraine is armed with BM-21MT MRL - Militarnyi

The Armed Forces of Ukraine is armed with BM-21MT MRL

The Armed Forces of Ukraine is armed with BM-21MT MRL
The Armed Forces of Ukraine is armed with BM-21MT MRL

Ukrainian artillery uses Czech BM-21MT 122mm multiple rocket launchers on the front line.

Footage capturing these systems in Ukraine was published on social media.

BM-21MT artillery systems are manufactured by the Czech company Excalibur Army.

Excalibur Army manufactures a variety of armored rocket launchers. The Czech systems are built on a unique Tatra chassis that allows it to pass through very difficult terrain.

The BM-21MT MRL is mounted on the Tatra T815-7T3R2T 4×4 chassis.

Реактивна система BM-21MT українських військових. Україна. Фото: Ukraine Weapons Tracker

The launch platform is based on the well-known, proven, and widely used BM-21 “Grad” rocket launcher systems.

The vehicles are equipped with a fire-control system – a computer system, inertial navigation, and a communication system – which increase productivity when performing individual tasks and coordinating the actions of a number of artillery units.

The BM-21MT has storage compartments for spare parts, tools, and accessories.

Реактивна система BM-21MT. Фото: Excalibur Army

This equipment is designed to replace faulty parts, repair minor malfunctions by the crew, and maintain the launcher.

The manufacturer claims that 40 launcher’s missiles are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 40 kilometers, depending on the ammunition.

Реактивна система BM-21MT. Фото: Excalibur Army

The BM-21 MT uses an armored cab and fire-control system. Its total weight is 16.3 tons.

The vehicle, equipped with a 270 kW Tatra V8 engine, is capable of developing a speed of up to 90 km/h.

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