The Ukroboronprom concern’s enterprise demonstrated new ammunition for drones - Militarnyi

The Ukroboronprom concern’s enterprise demonstrated new ammunition for drones

The Ukroboronprom concern’s enterprise demonstrated new ammunition for drones
The Ukroboronprom concern’s enterprise demonstrated new ammunition for drones

One of the Ukroboronprom concern’s member enterprises demonstrated drone ammunition.

Company’s Facebook page published photos of the new shells.

These are fragmentation munitions that can be used with unmanned aerial systems.

“UAV`s fragmentation munitions: OBP-23.1 weighing 1 kg – a guaranteed defeat zone with a radius of 11 meters.
OBP-23.05 weighing 0.5 kg – a guaranteed defeat zone with a radius of 4.5 meters,” the report says.

Боєприпаси ОБП-23.05 та ОБП-23.1 для безпілотних авіаційних комплексів. 2 квітня 2023

In 2021, the production of the RKG-1600 anti-tank grenade was launched.

They were developed in cooperation with the Center for the Implementation and Maintenance of Automated Systems of Operational (Combat) Control of the А2724 Aerorozvidka.

Українські некеровані боєприпаси РКГ-1600. 2021 рік. Фото: «Завод Маяк»

The КZ-6 shaped-charge munition was also adapted to be dropped from a multicopter type UAV.

The development of the NI-KZ-4800 (inert – ed.) and KZ-4800 (combat version – ed.) was conducted jointly with the Zhytomyr Military Institute named after S.P. Korolyov and the Center for the Implementation and Maintenance of Automated Systems of Operational (Combat) Control of the А2724 Aerorozvidka.

Некеровані боєприпаси для БПЛА КЗ-4800

The combat version of the KZ-4800 (weight 4.8 kg) was developed similarly to the KZ-6. It is designed to destroy any modern tank in a tophead attack. Its auxiliary elements were printed on a 3D printer.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine had previously formed the first three strike drone companies.

The military received pickup trucks, Ukrainian-made attack copters, ammunition for them, and Starlink stations.

The project to create strike UAV companies was launched with the participation of the General Staff, SSSCIP, the Ministry of Defense, and the UNITED24 Fund.

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