Kim Jong Un strives to have most powerful nuclear weapons - Militarnyi

Kim Jong Un strives to have most powerful nuclear weapons

Kim Jong Un strives to have most powerful nuclear weapons
Kim Jong Un strives to have most powerful nuclear weapons

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wants to build an army with the most powerful nuclear capability in the world.

He stated this during the celebrations after the tests of the newest Hwasong-17 ICBM, according to Reuters news agency, which refers to the state media of the DPRK.

Kim Jong Un believes North Korea’s nuclear arsenal should counter U.S. nuclear threats.

“North Korea’s ultimate goal is to possess the world’s most powerful strategic force, the absolute force unprecedented in the century,” Kim Jong Un said in an order promoting the military, involved in the development of the Hwasong-17.

Групове фото Кім Чен Ина з військовими, які брали участь у розробці та випровуваннях Hwasong-17, листопад 2022 Фото: державні ЗМІ КНДР

In total, more than 100 personnel who participated in the tests were awarded. Moreover, the “DPRK Hero and Gold Star Medal and Order of National Flag 1st Class” awarded the Hwasong-17 missile.

“(The missile) clearly proved before the world that the DPRK is a full-fledged nuclear power capable of standing against the nuclear supremacy of the U.S. imperialists and fully demonstrated its might as the most powerful ICBM state,” KCNA quoted Reuters as saying.

Кім Чен Ин з дочкою під час урочистостей, листопад 2022, КНДР Фото: Державні ЗМІ КНДР

The Hwasong-17 test in North Korea was announced on November 18. Official authorities said the test was successful.

The official report indicated that the missile covered 999 km and climbed to an altitude of 6041 km above the Earth during the flight time of 68.9 minutes.

Пуск ракети Hwasong-17, 18 листопада 2022 Фото: Державні ЗМІ КНДР

This information almost coincides with the estimates of the South Korean military, reports NK NEWS. According to their information, the missile flew 1000 km and climbed to an altitude of 6100 km.


The Hwasong-17 is a North Korean two-stage ICBM, was first unveiled on October ​​10, 2020. Japan estimated her range at 15,000 km or more. Unlike its predecessors, Hwasong-17 can have multiple warheads. North Korea claimed that the first successful launch of the Hwasong-17 took place on March 24, 2022.

Пускова установка Hwasong-17, 18 листопада 2022 Фото: Державні ЗМІ КНДР

Western analysts believe that the missile was then launched earlier, and the test on November 18 was the first successful launch of the Hwasong-17.

Hwasong-17 is a two-stage liquid-fueled road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile on 22-wheeled TEL. The missile itself is 26 meters long and 2.7 meters in diameter.

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