The SOF operators use Punisher drone against mortars of the Russian Federation - Militarnyi

The SOF operators use Punisher drone against mortars of the Russian Federation

The SOF operators use Punisher drone against mortars of the Russian Federation
The SOF operators use Punisher drone against mortars of the Russian Federation

The Ukrainian Special Operations Forces are using Punisher strike drones on the front lines.

The drone works in tandem with other reconnaissance aircraft.

The SOF said that they used the Punisher drone to destroy a mortar crew of the Russians.

Another Ukrainian reconnaissance drone monitored the Punisher’s mortar position and strike.

Punisher reusable aircrafts are manufactured by the Ukrainian UA Dynamics.

All systems are being produced with the help of volunteer funds and charitable contributions of the patriotic community.

Український безпілотник “Punisher” уражає мінометник розрахунок росіян на камері іншого безпілотника. Осінь 2022. Україна. Кадр з відео ССО ЗСУ

In April, it became known that the Special Operations Forces were to receive the first 5 systems.

The main tasks of the systems are to destroy the forces and means of the enemy and create constant psychological pressure.

Український безпілотник “Punisher”. 2022 рік. Україна. Фото: Оперативний ЗСУ

Punisher’s characteristics:

  • MAXIMUM SPEED – 198 km/h
  • CRUISE SPEED – 22 m/s
  • FLIGHT TIME – 90 minutes.

The drone uses 75-mm small unguided high-explosive bombs with a length of 500 mm.

They are designed to destroy or disable stationary structures, mobile control points, light armored vehicles, transport, and infantry.

75-мм малогабаритні некеровані фугасні авіабомби для українського безпілотника “Punisher”. Жовтень 2022. Україна. Фото: Леонид Остальцев

As previously reported, Ukroboronprom announced the creation of a strike drone. The Ukrainian combat drone should be presented to the military by the end of this year.

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