The Minister of Defense of Ukraine appeals to the military of the Russian Federation - Militarnyi

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine appeals to the military of the Russian Federation

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine appeals to the military of the Russian Federation
The Minister of Defense of Ukraine appeals to the military of the Russian Federation

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov appealed to Russian servicemen not to waste time in the war against Ukraine and save Russia from tragedy, and the Russian army from humiliation.

This is stated in a video message by Oleksii Reznikov, which was recorded in Russian.

His words are primarily addressed to officers and the command of the Russian army. The head of the Ministry of Defense said that the leadership of the Russian Federation deceived and betrayed the Russian military, sending them to their deaths for someone’s fantasies and false goals.

“This is a message from Kyiv. My name is Oleksii Reznikov. I am the Minister of Defense of Ukraine. I appeal to soldiers and sailors, sergeants and petty officers, midshipmen, officers, generals and admirals of the Russian army. I didn’t make a slip. I do mean the Russian army. First of all, my words are addressed to officers and the command. Because you are decision makers,” said the Head of the defense department.

Reznikov stressed that the Russian military is not “liberating” anyone in Ukraine, but destroying entire cities where they were recently considered good neighbors and spoke Russian.

“You were tricked and betrayed. You were promised an easy promenade, and sent into a trap. You pay with blood for someone’s fantasies and false goals. Now they don’t listen to you. Because listening to you now means admitting mistakes. And in Moscow they do not like the truth. It is easier for them to tell how you died heroically in the battle with the fictional hordes of NATO.

Many of you have already realized that you were sent to die not for a right cause. Maybe that’s why your leader is hiding in a bunker rather than holding a punch next to you? He fears your epiphany, contempt and your just anger.”

He also stressed that Ukrainians are proud of their defenders and are doing everything possible to free the POWs.

The minister asked a rhetorical question about how history will see those who came with the war in Ukraine.

“I’ll tell you what happens next. Thousands of Russian lads will die. Even more will be left without hands, without legs. But they will be disgraced. You will be made guilty. And you will be betrayed again. As already betrayed more than once,” Reznikov said.

The minister said that “Ukrainians do not need Russian land,” having enough of their own. He urged the invaders not to waste time in the war in Ukraine, but to save Russia instead.

“We guarantee life, safety and justice to all who refuse to fight immediately. And we will reach a tribunal for those who gave criminal orders. You can still save Russia from tragedy, and the Russian army from humiliation. But time is running out. Don’t miss the moment,” Reznikov said.

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