In eastern Poland, the creation of a center for the repair of equipment of Ukraine is being considered - Militarnyi

In eastern Poland, the creation of a center for the repair of equipment of Ukraine is being considered

In eastern Poland, the creation of a center for the repair of equipment of Ukraine is being considered
In eastern Poland, the creation of a center for the repair of equipment of Ukraine is being considered

Germany is negotiating with Poland to create a maintenance center for the repair of equipment provided to Ukraine.

This was stated by German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht to Politico.

According to the Minister, the discussions concern the opening of a center for the rapid repair of weapons, for example, howitzers, in eastern Poland.

Christine Lambrecht also supports joint weapons projects within the European Union and believes that the sale of these weapons should not be blocked to third countries.

Earlier, during her speech in the Bundestag the Minister of Defense said that Berlin handed over to the Ukrainian military many weapons from the Bundeswehr reserve.

Міністр оборони ФРН Крістін Ламбрехт. Фото: ЗМІ Німеччини

The fact that Germany supplies enough weapons to Ukraine was reported earlier by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

It should be reminded that in August of this year, the State Concern “Ukroboronprom” created a center for the maintenance and repair of foreign weapons.

The International Engineering Center (abbreviated as IEC) will be engaged in the repair of weapons and military equipment of foreign production.

This will allow timely and high-quality servicing of foreign weapons, which are transmitted by partners and allies to increase the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the war with the Russian Federation.

Specialists of the center will be trained and certified to work with foreign military equipment.

Солдат США, відряджений до 1-ї бронетанкової бригади 3-ї піхотної дивізії, працює із солдатом Збройних Сил України під час навчань з технічного обслуговування самохідної гаубиці M109 на полігоні Графенвер, Німеччина, 25 травня 2022. Фото: Міноборони США

Ukroboronprom SC notes that each unit of weapons that Ukraine received from international partners should fight, and in case of disabling could be immediately repaired.

Last month, Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said that Ukraine is interested in building bases for repairing Western equipment.

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