Ukrainian Defence Intelligence, Anti-Corruption Bureau rescue serviceman from occupation - Militarnyi

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence, Anti-Corruption Bureau rescue serviceman from occupation

Ukrainian Defence Intelligence, Anti-Corruption Bureau rescue serviceman from occupation
Ukrainian Defence Intelligence, Anti-Corruption Bureau rescue serviceman from occupation

The Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported a joint operation with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Together they evacuated a Ukrainian serviceman from the occupied territory. The man was held captive in the South of Ukraine.

The Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported about this.

They noted that more than 10 operations took place to evacuate Ukrainian citizens from temporarily occupied territories.

“Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, together with colleagues from other departments, have conducted more than 10 successful operations on temporarily occupied territories evacuating civilian population, military personnel and their families, government representatives, and material assets of state importance,” the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine reported.

ГУР МО та НАБУ евакуювали військовослужбовця з окупованої території, липень 2022 Фото: ГУР МО

The most recent operation was carried out together with detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.

“The Ukrainian serviceman was not injured, he was handed over to the command,” the report said.

Previously, the Defence Intelligence reported on liberating Ukrainian POWs in the Kherson Region.

Five Ukrainian citizens were released during the operation.

Among them are a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a former police officer, and three civilians. One of them has a serious combat wound.

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