Criminals with Vintorez and Val rifles were detained in Chernihiv region - Militarnyi
Criminals with Vintorez and Val rifles were detained in Chernihiv region
Criminals with Vintorez and Val rifles were detained in Chernihiv region

The SSU neutralized the criminal center in the Chernihiv region, which was preparing to support the enemy in case of re-invasion.

This is stated in the reports of the Security Service of Ukraine.

The group included three representatives of criminal circles, which got involved in subversive activities by Russian special services.

They were found with weapons and equipment used by Russian special forces.

Among the seized equipment is a Russian-made Vintorez marksman rifle featuring an integral suppressor, RPG-18 Mukha grenade launcher and a Val assault rifle featuring an integrated suppressor.

All identified weapons were produced by the Russian Federation.

All armaments were stored in their own homes and garages near Chernihiv.

During the searches a few more items were also found:

  • SVD-S sniper rifle with suppressor;
  • HE grenades;
  • ammunition for small arms;
  • optical sights and night vision devices.
Гвинтівка СВД-С затриманих злочинців на Чернігівщині. Червень 2022. Україна. Фото: СБУ

It is worth noting that some of the ammunition found were also armor-piercing.

All members of the group are currently detained. The issue of notifying them about suspicion and choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention is being resolved.

For reference: Vintorez Rifle is a silent sniper rifle for special forces that originated in the Soviet Union. In Ukraine, the rifle was out of use due to lack of special ammunition.

Набої СП-6 затриманих злочинців на Чернігівщині. Червень 2022. Україна. Фото: СБУ

The AS Val uses special 9-mm subsonic cartridges SP-5 and SP-6. The armor-piercing cartridge SP-6 with an enlarged core is able to disable the car and even light armored vehicles. It penetrates an 8-mm steel sheet at a distance of 100 m, and a 5-mm steel sheet or class 3 body armor – over the entire range of sight firing.

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