The United States handed over three Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine - Militarnyi

The United States handed over three Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine

The United States handed over three Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine
The United States handed over three Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine

Three Mi-17 helicopters from the United States have already been transferred to Ukraine and are executing combat missions.

The Foreign Policy journalist Jack Detsch reported about this.

He emphasized that these are Soviet-era helicopters.

“Ukraine has received three more Soviet-era Mi-17 helicopters, and they have already completed their first tasks,” he wrote on Twitter, referring to a senior US official.

The journalist also noted that the U.S. has also sent more than 60 percent of 209,000 rounds of 155m promised to Ukraine.

On April 13, the United States announced a $ 800 million aid package to Ukraine, which included 11 Soviet-era Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters.

Імовірний список поставок Україні від США

At the same time, the United States confirmed its intention to hand over helicopters to Ukraine even before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Гелікоптер Мі-17 Повітряних сил Афганістану

It was about aircrafts belonging to the Afghan Air Force. At that time, it was noted that within the framework of American military assistance, the Armed Forces of Ukraine should receive six Mi-17-B5 and Mi-8MTV transport helicopters.

It is also known that several Afghan helicopters have been under maintenance in Ukraine.

Афганський гелікоптер Ми-17 на території «Мотор Січ»

At least one helicopter remained in Zaporizhzhia after the radical Taliban movement seized power in Afghanistan.

It is unknown how many helicopters Ukrainian companies have been repairing.

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